Smoking Policy

Smoking in all university facilities is prohibited. The policy prohibits smoking within 25 feet of the entrance to any university facility, and gives preferential consideration to nonsmokers whenever it is determined they are being exposed to smoke.

Guidelines of the policy state that smoking is prohibited in all indoor and enclosed courtyard locations. Smoking is prohibited in all outdoor athletic facilities that are defined by a fence or wall and within 25 feet of a fence or wall or entrances as well as in all university provided vehicles and areas in which fire or safety hazard exists.

Administrative officers or their designees are responsible for implementing this policy. They are responsible for informing their people of the policy on smoking and non-smoking. They are also responsible for designating smoking and non-smoking areas and assuring that smoking/non-smoking areas are appropriately marked.

Complaints and disputes arising from implementation of the policy should be referred to the immediate supervisor for resolution. Unresolved issue(s) should be referred to the appropriate department or unit head, with final appeal to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.


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